Debt Relief Companies: How They Work & Chances Are For Success
Debt has been a long-standing issue for both consumers and businesses. Many people realize that they are drowning in debt when it’s already too late to save themselves, or at least without the help of professionals. This is why they turn to debt relief companies, which are organizations that negotiate with creditors on their behalf for a fee.
How do debt relief companies work?
The goal of a debt relief company is to help you lower down your total debt by getting in touch with your creditors as your representative. These professionals will try to talk your creditors into accepting less than the full amount you owe them in exchange for settling your debt rather than risking not getting any payment at all.
Typically, a debt relief company will tell you to stop making payments and put an agreed monthly amount into a savings account that the company set up for you.
The debt relief company then gets in touch with your creditors to talk them into settling for a partial repayment rather than not getting any payment at all. This gives creditors the impression that you’re already so financially drained that if you file for bankruptcy, they won’t get any money from you at all.
What is a typical debt relief agreement?
If you agree to work with a debt relief company, you will need to pay a fee for the savings account they set up for you to put an agreed monthly payment.
If the company succeeds in negotiating with your creditors, they will typically keep 20-25% of your total debt and you could also incur other charges depending on your contract.
What’s the difference between debt relief and debt consolidation?
You may come across the term debt consolidation, which is usually confused with debt relief. With a debt relief program, a professional works on your behalf to negotiate payments to creditors for a fee. Debt consolidation, on the other hand, means taking out a loan with a low interest rate to pay off your debt with high interest rates. You can do debt consolidation on your own so you won’t have to pay for any fees.
Examples of Debt relief financing For Customers
As a debt relief provider you have to get to know your customers very well. Money, debt and finance is one of the most personal things you can manage. Much like your debt relief high risk merchant account provider, you are their most valuable asset in their journey to financial independence. The family breadwinner always feels the pressure while paying the utility bills and they do their best to make sure that all the debts are paid well on time. Here we are going to suggest some ways to exploit debt relief measures.
- Self-payment based initiative:
First of all, they have to rely on your own initiatives to manage your debt relief measures. For that reason, they will have to manage their finances first. Customers don’t need anyone to hire to help you do that because it is only you who has to figure out the unnecessary expenses to be cut down. For that, they have got to begin to calculate your earnings, your expenses and the debt they have to pay back. You can make a table using a spreadsheet to record details like the creditors, the amounts to be paid back, the earnings, expenses and so on. This practice is going to help you take charge of the situation. The next step is to communicate with your creditors in a convincing manner and tell apprise them of your current situation as well as your desire to pay back the debts. This practice is sure to win some concessions from the creditors, a great sigh of relief for you.
But a client’s words must be supported by documentary evidence like the spreadsheet we talked about above. If you are good enough in bargaining, there are chances that your creditors may lessen interest rates on the debts and you will be able to pay back debts in less time than agreed before. Also, they may agree to give you some relaxation period during which you will not have to pay debts and again, it depends on your communication skills augmented by convincing documentary evidence. This relaxation period will give them some time to restructure your financial obligations. The last option could be to pay lump-sum payments, which could be less than the actual principal amount but still, it depends how good you are on bargaining.
- Consumer-credit counseling technique:
Another viable option is the consumer-credit counseling technique. Clients can find any good company offering the services of consumer credit counseling against reasonable service charges. However, in their situation, it is suggested to contact nonprofit agencies. They may assign you a counselor who will help you assess your financial situation from your debt payment point of view and suggest ways to pay back your debt.
If you follow the above tips, you are likely to get rid of debt-related stressful situations sooner than expected.
What are the chances for success?
In reality, the chances for success in a debt relief program depend on two factors: the debt relief companies you choose and the willingness of your creditors to agree to a lower repayment.
Some consumers and businesses succeed in repaying their debts with the help of a debt relief company, especially those who are willing to pay for charges just to clear their finances and get back their credit score.
Others have also reported that debt relief placed them in deeper debt and have opted for other options such as debt consolidation loans, debt management programs, balance transfer credit cards and ultimately, filing for bankruptcy.
In the end, it’s all about finding the right options for your situation. When you do get out of debt, make sure that you don’t dig the same hole by making smarter choices when it comes to your personal or business finances.
Ready to get started? Contact a payment processor and take the first step on your journey as an entrepreneur.
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